Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Energy Vampires

Do you know that vampires really do exist?

OK, so I don't have proof that vampires as we know them from books and movies exist.

But energy vampires do exist.

    What are they? How do I know if I encounter one? Do they hate garlic?

 While I don't know about the last question, I can tell you they are everywhere. You encounter them in your day-to-day life. Perhaps you are one, or your partner, or your kid!

Now that I've confused you, let's talk about what I mean. I am an empath. That means I can feel people's energies. I can also take in energies if I'm not careful. Vampires feed on other's energies. They make it a point to bring your vibrations down closer to their level. They vibrate on a very low frequency.

Very often, empaths whom are not attuned to their gifts are drawn to vampires. Vampires are very good at attaching themselves to people of higher frequencies. What better way than to be in a relationship with someone on an empathic level? 

So, what can empaths to do keep safe from the vampires that lurk around the corner?

--Ground. Ground and keep grounded. I personally ground often. 

--Release energy. Each night (or sometimes after an interaction with someone I feel is a vampire) I release energy that is not mine or no longer has a use for me. It can be as simple as wiping your hands and saying, 'I release any energy that is not mine that I may have picked up along my way.' Or, on really hard days, I cleanse in the shower. Water is a great way to cleanse negative energy away.

--Crystals. I carry them everywhere! I have recently started carrying a piece of selenite with me. When I feel a negative energy, I hold it in my hand. I also use it to help get rid of blockages in my Chakra. 

Energy vampires are not all bad, or at least, not all intend to be. Some people stuck on the 3D/4D arena can't even tell what they're doing with frequencies and energies. Others, however, can and do use people for their own good. It is so very important to protect your energy. No one should ever have power over your emotions or energy. You cannot help how others around you act or treat you. However, you have the power over how you react to the situations. Something I always tell kids (I work at a school) when they react to something someone else said/did is 

'You can't help what someone says or does. All you can control is yourself and your reaction. They didn't make you react this way. This is the way you chose to react, which, in many cases, is what the person wanted. You gave them power over you. You have to remind yourself YOU are in control of you, no one else.'

I hope this doesn't fall on deaf ears. I hope this resonates with someone. My page is so small, yet I have SUCH high hopes to reach others and at least once make them ponder for a moment.

Be Blessed.

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