Tuesday, January 25, 2022

A Moment to Brag

I have to take a moment away from the spiritual side of my life to brag about my kids.

As many of you know, I work in the education system. I work with kids that need a little more help in class than others. It is a struggle. Some of these kids fight hard to barely pass. Others, we go back and forth in a tug-of-war to get them to do any work, even though they are quite capable.

Well, report cards go home today. And I am MORE than proud to say that none of my kids (that I've checked with thus far....I'm sure I have a couple that I only see once a day that aren't going to be as great) at this time, are failing! In fact, a few made Faculty's List--I had to explain what that meant since they aren't used to making such good grades.

I boast because these kids have it hard. Many live with people other than their parents. They have had to deal with missing for quarantine for Covid over and over. They have had to deal with hurricane Ida and her aftermath. Kids lost homes and items they held dear. Kids have moved away, gone virtual, and come back. And, in my opinion, we came back to school far too soon afterwards and made threw them right back into working for their grades. They have had to deal with coming back with no uniforms. They have struggled with breaks that are, honestly, not long enough for them to breathe. And yet, they have kept their grades from getting too low.

So yes, these kids deserve FAR more credit than they receive. Not just my kids--all of the kids in this area....heck, ALL the kids not failing in this country of chaos right now. These kids, that often get lost in the mix, are doing a fantastic job with what they've been dealt lately.

And I couldn't be more proud.

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