Thursday, January 20, 2022

Down a Notch?

Let us all be honest here--some days you feel like you "need" to be in 3D.

Like today for example. I feel depression hanging over me a bit more than I would like. Those creeping negative thoughts keep trying to gain access and take over. We are very short staffed in my department thanks to Covid. It is rainy and gloomy out. I feel like Hashimoto's (hypothyroid condition) is trying to beat me down.

So, while I'd love to be all love and light and Universe, I feel more like hiding under a warm blanket and not coming out.

And that is okay.

When the negative thoughts start coming, I consciously change to thinking of blessings. Today will be a good day because I am blessed in so many other ways that the 'not good' parts won't win.

It is okay to need a 3D day, where you may not hear messages or sense meanings around you. You have lived in this reality for so long, sometimes it's hard to break it. But you can. You can take a moment, be in it, and move on. There is NOTHING wrong with a pause.

And, on a 4D-ish note, think of it this way: You sense this happening...that's a step forward in any sense.

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