Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Signs of Shifting Day 9

Today's topic can be one of the harder shifting moments

        Culling of People

Now, this isn't me telling you to go kill people that don't think like you!!!

As you awaken and you begin vibrating on a higher frequency, you may feel that friendships or relationships you once had no longer feel "right" to you.

Those not on an awakened path, like narcissists, vibrate at low frequencies. Those low vibes are not what your awakened soul wants around. Your soul begins to long for likeminded, higher vibrating people. 

It can be difficult to have small talk with people. Topics of chit chat just don't interest you anymore.

This is hard for me. I used to be social. I'd chit chat with everyone. Now I stay quiet in most social situations. No one around me wants to talk about spiritual things with me. It can be quite lonely.

It also can be peaceful. I've come to find comfort in the fact that those little small talk moments don't interest me. It is also eye opening in watching others go through mundane topics.

Have you started seeing people going out of your life as you awaken? The door is open for them to leave for a reason. Allow them to go. Thank them for their time in your life. And remember, it all happens as it should.

Be Blessed.

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