Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Waves of Spiritual Awakening

One thing I can guarantee--Your awakening will but unique only to you. I can also promise it will not come all at once. Awakening takes time. You were asleep for oh so long, after all. 

I relate awakening to waves. Some days, I feel like a spiritual badass. Others, I feel tired, drained, lost, and confused. There are many things I do not know. I may not ever know. Being okay with that can be hard.

Do not stress yourself over your awakening. The more you try to force it, the less likely it is to happen. One important lesson through all of this is everything happens as it should and when it should. Time is a human construct. There is no start and finish line. It is an ongoing, crazy, destructive, beautiful process. 

You can get through this. You will get through this. And what a wonder you will be!

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