Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Signs of Shifting Day 8

Today's discussion is "Chakras Activate."

If you didn't say it in a superhero pose and confident voice, we can't be friends.

Seriously though, your Chakras activating and aligning are a huge step in awakening. You may not think it's a big deal, unless you REALLY think about it. 

One example for me is my 3rd eye. I know it took a while for me to open. Actually, I didn't realize that it was open for a while. I am 3rd eye blind (and not the band). I don't "see" things. I just sense it with all of my other senses. However, the more I work, the more receptive I am. Now, I have to purposefully close my eye at night so my brain can rest. I have been having trouble getting quality sleep lately. I struggle to calm my intake of messages.

Another sign of me getting a Chakra open that I am happy to have is my sacral/solar plexus. I am still working on those, but as I align my digestive system is flowing SO much better! Those that know, know.

So how do you activate your Chakras? One great tool is meditating. Take the time to focus on one at a time. My suggestion is to start with grounding and your root chakra. Holding crystals that correlate to the chakra you're working on can really help! Don't stress if you can't tell if it's working. Move your way through. You may not feel anything until they're all aligned and flowing.

Reiki can help with this! A Reiki practitioner can help by sensing blockages you may have. They can also send healing energy throughout your body that can help things move. So consider a Reiki session or energy healing session if you'd like help with this!

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