Friday, January 14, 2022

Signs of Shifting Day 5

Today's sign we'll talk about is one I am NOT loving!

"Disrupted Sleep Patterns"

I have not slept well in a LONG time. I don't know if it's I'm dreaming more lucidly or if my insomnia is acting up or what...but it sucks!

I got a FitBit for Yule. I love that it tracks things like heart rate and sleep patterns. However, it also is teaching me that I get little/no deep or REM sleep. Those are the most important stages! I think maybe it's because my Third Eye is just so freaking open right now it's hard to control.

A friend did give me tips for closing my eyes for sleep. And I've been doing them. It has helped, but not as much as I had hoped. 

I don't wake up in the middle of the night, which is a good thing. That routine left me more tired than this routine. I am on medication for insomnia. Sometimes I wish I could get myself off of them. However, with my chronic fatigue I know it's not a good idea. 

So how about you? How have you been sleeping? If you haven't been getting quality sleep because of lucid dreaming or other aspects of your awakening, here are some tips that may help:

Meditate. There are some great guided meditations that are designed to get you to the sleep stage.

Hydrate. Be sure that your body is fully prepared for the sleep  cycle.

Journal. Write down thoughts that may be keeping you awake.

Yoga. There are some poses that can be done in bed.

Unplug! Some people need at least an hour away from screens before they can peacefully settle in bed.

Pray. Ask your guardians and guides to protect you during your sleep. Or use the mantra, "I get peaceful, healing sleep everyday," or one you come up with.

These are just a few thoughts that can help. I know I need to listen to my own advice on these. Take care of yourself. 

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