Friday, January 14, 2022

Signs of Shifting Day 6

Day 6 we discuss

Time and Memory Mutations

As you shift into your awakenings, new memories may come pouring in. I, myself, have many childhood memories that have popped up. 

For example, one that I think I've talked about before is being with my cousin and floating. I remember the feeling. I see the scene when I recall the memory. Many of the memories I have are from when I was still young enough to have not been brainwashed by 3D. Floating, magick, spiritual guides.

Some memories mutate. Perhaps you remembered something one way and now, as you are opening your eyes, you see it in a different way/light. There are some dark moments in my past that I see in a different light now. It has changed my perspective on a lot of moments.

I also have realized I don't do well with time anymore. I have to be on my game to keep up with time. It's inconsistent now. One moment, I feel like it's flying. The next, I thought an hour has past and it's been 5 minutes. When I'm in my moments of truth, time seems to stand still. 

Pay attention to time, and it controls you. Focus less on time, and you'll see how freeing it feels. Take one day and get away from clocks. Go by what you feel. It's a game changer! 

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