Monday, January 3, 2022

Word of the Year

The English teacher I work with had a wonderful lesson to start off 2022 with--she had each student pick a "word of the year" for themselves. So, I thought I'd follow suit.

My word of the year is


There are many changes coming in 2022 for my family and me. Moving, graduation, empty nesting, end of a job, and so much more. Along with all of that, I hope to continue my growth spiritually, in my witch practice, and in my energy healing. It can be overwhelming if you look at it all at once. My goal is to flow through the year's challenges. I will grow and flow through 2022 :)

So here's my challenge to you--what would your word of 2022 be? Put the word out into the Universe, and allow the Universe to spread the word and bless your year!

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