Thursday, February 17, 2022

Bad Turns Around--Always!

So, as we discussed yesterday, I was an idiot and didn't take ANY of my morning medicines! I suffered with pain all day. I went home, doubled one of my face meds (allowed when needed) and crashed for an hour.

I then woke up, did a cleansing bath/shower (thanks, full moon), and took some CBD.

Before I go into what happened with the dose of CBD, let me say that for the first time in two years my left side of my tongue worked! I almost cried (can't because the way TN affects my face). It was the strangest of sensations. I didn't realize how little that side works. 

Back to the CBD. During interactions with my Hubby, I realized I was going into kind of a little space (this was before it kicked in, btw). I immediately went in and asked myself why....

Trauma. I had dental work Tuesday, which didn't hurt because I'm numb. However, the pain from TN included pain from the dental work. I had a horrid dentist when I was a kid. He'd yell if you'd raise your hand for pain. Call me a wuss. Tell me my parents would punish me if I moved...just goes on and on. I put that pain in my head and went into acting like a kid.

I was proud of me--shadow work hit and I think I nailed it. So, with the CBD kicking in, I had a few conversations with my guides. One such subject was me having Trigeminal Neuralgia. I mean, a disease called suicide disease/face is a hard pill to have to swallow. Especially since doctors can't find a reason why I have it.

I was told it's because I'm on a high level of my "Earth Schooling." People who live with chronic conditions of pain and fatigue have the challenge for a reason. These people have come so far in their journey and learning that the challenge becomes also physical to test the soul. So I must not only continue growing and learning in my life lessons, but I also must survive and thrive with my condition(s). 

So, I suffer. I am dealing with these conditions. I do not own them, just deal with them. I will continue to grow in my soul lessons. I will strive to be the best I can be. Who knows~~maybe this is my last lesson. Wouldn't that be wonderful?  I am going to be better every day, and see where the path takes me.

What an adventure!


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