Monday, February 21, 2022


I had another visit with my massage therapist/energy healer Saturday. 

~And yes, energy healers/workers go to other healers to keep their energy and alignment in tune!~

I had asked her about a type of healing--myofascial release. She did some on me (she is so knowledgeable), and WOW! Such releases! I could have cried, if my tear ducts would know how to work. Those that have chronic pain conditions, I recommend looking into this type of treatment. I don't know how long the affects will last, but I'm happy thus far!

She also did cupping, which I've never had done before

What is it? Well, it is what it sounds like. She placed these cups on my back at specific points, and then suctioned the air out of them to form a vacuum. It's been done for many, MAN Y years, and it's now more popular as people are connecting both Eastern and Western medicine.
It is meant to release toxins, bring blood to the surface, and increase circulation. It also brings lymph flow to the stagnant areas, which makes it good for people that have thyroid issues. 
Did it hurt? At first, yes. I had to get into my mind and allow myself to go deep to not feel it. It only hurts when the initial suction is done. Yes, my back looks like I had a fight with an octopus or something. I'm marked and bruised. But I feel like it is very much worth it. I had been feeling like something was wrong with my thyroid (I have Hashimoto's)--could have sworn my balance was off. However, bloodwork proved otherwise. This, I am hoping, will balance out and begin to heal whatever is really going on.

I also had a great conversation about seeing a holistic doctor. There's a place locally, and she spoke very highly of one of the doctors. I am hoping to see him soon. I want to get as well as I can before I don't have this insurance anymore. It's sad that we struggle because companies can say whether or not you can see a doctor or get a medicine....or if you can afford it....but that's for another time.

So yes, I had a great experience as always with my masseuse/energy worker. I love exploring new forms of healing with her. It is amazing to have someone I trust so much with my well being. I highly recommend that, on your journey, you take care of YOU, and get massages or energy work or any form of self care you see fit.

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