Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Remember Next Time (off topic post)

I guess it is sort of on topic, since I tend to write about my everyday life in between the spiritual stuff. However, I'm putting the words down here and into the Universe to hopefully remind myself to never get into this situation again...

My routine was off this morning. Hubby had an appointment, so he was home, and it threw me off.

How bad can it be, right?

I took none of my meds--ZERO! I don't know how I managed it. I seriously take two different sets of meds in the mornings before I head out of the door. I've missed one set here and there, but never BOTH! When I tell you the amount of pain I'm in is nearly impossible to bear...Luckily, I'm stuck in a single room all day today. I can control the climate and the noise. It doesn't take any of the pain away, but it's not something to add to it. Being on the right dose of meds for so long has made me forget how bad my face can be. 

Oh, for those that don't know, I have Trigeminal Neuralgia (look it's called "suicide face"). The pain makes it hard to speak, because my brain can't focus. Even typing, I'm having to pause between lightening strikes. The meds I missed weren't all for my face pain, but the other stuff doesn't come close to this. 

Also, for those asking why I didn't just go run home and take them--If I would have known early enough that I hadn't I would have. However, I wasn't 100% certain this morning, and doubling doses would have made me not able to drive. It wasn't until later in the morning that my face started really flaring more than usual.

So, here I am, looking mad at the world (which works with the caliber of kids I have today). I want to cry, but my tear ducts don't work right because of TN. I feel less numb and swollen/pressure on my face because I don't have the medicines reacting, but I also FEEL it all.


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