Thursday, March 3, 2022

New Moon. New March

I feel as though I've said this so many times in recent months:

This month should be FULL of change!

For starters, I go to the chiropractor tomorrow. I'm hoping to start a therapy that will help heal my trigeminal neuralgia. I know I will never be rid of it fully, but every step in the right direction gives me hope. I also have my annual check up with my cardiologist. As long as he says everything looks good, I plan on calling for an appointment at the Holistic Health Center near me. Maybe I can finally get deeper answers to all of my health questions!

My daughter will get her second half of her senior photos taken this month in Natchitoches. Her suit fits her perfectly! It is humbling to know how close we are to the finish line of her grade school years. While the whirlwind of her final push is going on, we're also trying to plan a senior trip with a gaggle of friends. To say the next few months will be full is an understatement!

Then there's the big elephant in the room--our house. As of now, we are supposed to sell at the end of the month. Just the thought gives me anxiety. We've been so close before, and had the buyer back out or ask for longer. I know it all happens when it should, but I'm more than tired of packing and moving and unpacking and unmoving. I feel as though I just keep rereading this chapter over and over again. I want to move forward in the pages!

And, speaking of moving forward and new pages, the new moon recently came. Did you do any manifesting? Remember, new moons are great for calling to you things you want until the next full moon. Personally, I called on all good things I have afforded to me coming to the forefront in prosperity, health, spiritual abilities, and more. I am deserving of all things good and made in love, as are you. Remember that.

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Oh What a Ride

I haven't abandoned you, dear loves. Life has been in fast motion as of late for me. There's so much change, and I am just enjoying ...