Sunday, March 14, 2021


Ah, 3/14, or 3.14--a day that makes this nerdy girl's smile just a little larger.  For those that sadly don't know, today is known as Pi Day.  And yes, I plan on getting a pie to go with dinner tonight....I don't bake, so it's safer this way.

That being said, I want to talk more on the whole "witch" topic for a moment.  I know a lot of people get scared away even it today's society if someone uses the "W" word.  But so many people use magick in their day to day lives and never realize it!

Family member sick so you make them something special to make them feel better?  Magick.

You think on something to manifest it into reality?  Magick.

You dance around the house while cleaning to get the vibes of the house on point?  Magick. 

It's nothing to be feared.  Just because I am a witch doesn't mean I have ill-will or will hex you for cutting me off in traffic.  I just believe in working with the energies around me.

And so, if I make a dressed candle for you, know I am putting all I have in that moment on that candle.  If I am making you a protection item, I am focused on that intent.  And I always add a little of my energy for love in everything I do.  We could all use a little more love in this universe.

So come to the dork side, we have Pi!  And know it'll be made with the best of intentions!

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Is That It?

"So, healing and that all you do?"

Goodness no!

I am also a Witch!

"Hold up....a what?"

Don't run away.  That term, "witch," still has such a bad stigma.  There is nothing negative about me calling myself as such.  All it means....well, the shortest answer I can give..... is I believe there's magick all around us.  And, from this, I believe in divination.

I use my Oracle Cards, Tarot deck, and pendulum to answer questions people may have or help guide them towards the correct path.

I also do dream jars and spell jars for those wanting to manifest something into their life.

My favorite item I do is dressed candles.  These should be burned while thinking of your intentions (faith/love/money/success/peace/health/etc).

"Yeah but, does it work?"  

That's up to you to decide.  Do I believe in it?  Absolutely!  So does it work for me?  YES!  Manifestation is all about what you want.  If you go into it not putting your 100% self into the thing you want, it may not work.  OR, if the Universe doesn't see what you want is in your best interest, it may not work.

Isn't that how all of life is--giving faith into something you "want/need" and the Divine making the final decision based on what's best for you?

So, if you have a question about these services, PLEASE ask!  Don't cower away just because I am a Witch.  I am not that scary!


Thursday, March 11, 2021

Sound to Heal

Hi again!  Today let's touch a little bit on the topic of sound healing.  You see, everything is vibration.  There are different frequencies that do different things for our bodies, both good and bad.  I use these learnings along with my singing bowls, for example, to tune into your frequencies and put them on the correct setting.

For this analogy, let's say I'm a mechanic giving you a tune up!

OR you're the radio in the car and I need to reprogram the stations I want preset.

Either way, sound can be an incredible way to realign those Chakras and get your body, mind, and soul back in tune with one another.


Wednesday, March 10, 2021


"Ewwwww, don't touch me!!!"

In this world that is now our norm, people do NOT like the thought of touch.  But this is called "laying of the hands" so I have to touch you--


The answer is it's up to you.  While Energy Healing is also known as the laying of the hands, it can also work without ever touching you.  I can simply have my hands hovering over you for the same effect.  In fact, when it comes to Reiki, I can do distance sessions.  Those are done while you're in the comfort of your home and I am in my work area!  The main goal is to have you feeling most at ease so you can relax and enjoy your energy session.

Keep the questions coming!  The more you ask, the more I can inform!  

Tuesday, March 9, 2021


The number one question I get most often is the "Why?"

And my answer, most often is, "Why not? "

We are all made of this life source of energy.  Sometimes, our energy is high, and we can get things done.  We're motivated. We're healthy.  Everything's great.

Then we hit these walls.  Our energy feels low or sluggish.  We put off what isn't due this moment.  We want to curl up in a ball and sleep all day.  

Usually when those off days hit, your energy is just off in one spot or another.  Energy healing can realign those main energy ports (ever heard of Chakras) and get you back in the game.

A lot of times I tell people just sign up for one session.  Try it out and if you don't feel better than before and rested and eased, then you've only lost an hour of your time.  BUT if you feel renewed and lighter, then you've found something you can do as often as you need to get yourself feeling better.

Now, I am not a miracle worker.  You cannot tell me a spot is hurting and expect me to heal you.  Sorry, if I could I would!  I cannot tell energy where to go.  I can simply guide the energy into your life force.  It then goes where it feels you most need it.  Think of me as your charger--I plug in to the universal source and the energy then flows into your batter for recharging.

If this is something you think you'd want to try, DO IT!  What do you have to lose--1 hour of your time at most? 


Monday, March 8, 2021


 For those that have known me for a while, welcome back to my writing.

To those that are new, welcome!

My name is Jenn, and I created Spiritual Awakening by Jenn.  I am a 40 year old Cajun from way down in South Louisiana.  I have a wonderful family and support system.  My "regular job" is in the school system.

Then there's why I'm here

I am an energy healer.  I am Reiki Level II.  I do use many of my practices I learned under Reiki.  However, I like to incorporate other practices I've studied into my healing sessions as well.  I am also learning the use of sound as well as accupressure points to help the body heal.  All of these different techniques, in my opinion, can be put together in a way to help someone open up their spirit and allow the body to learn to heal itself.

See what I said there?

Heal itself

At the end of the day, I am not a healer.  I simply am a teacher to one's body.  I'm just there as a conduit or helper to wake that part of your body up.  Sure, I clean up the aura a bit while I'm working.  But your body, your spirit, your soul does the rest.

Interested?  Want to learn more?  Comment, message me, or find me on social media FB @SpiritAwakening

There's more to the things I do, and I'll get to that.  But for now, take a deep breath, relax, and be blessed.

Oh What a Ride

I haven't abandoned you, dear loves. Life has been in fast motion as of late for me. There's so much change, and I am just enjoying ...