Friday, December 31, 2021

New Year, Same Me

So technically my new year was Samhain. But we all know the calendar says otherwise. I used to get so caught up in the "new year, new me" thing. I'm going to work out more. I'm going to eat healthier. Blah, blah, all failed.

Now, as we approach the start of 2022, I know that there is no 'new me.' There is an always evolving me--just me. Do I want to keep growing and improving? Of course! My gifts and lessons are so incredible to learn about. However, I will NOT put pressure on myself. There is no need or use for that. I will continue to grow on my own pace--the pace I am meant to grow.

Next year also will bring many changes in life. We are (hopefully) going to sell the house at  the end of January, leaving us technically homeless. Don't worry, we are going live with my parents until we figure our next step. My Mala prayer beads have started selling, so I'm hoping that continues to grow and be successful. They bring me such peace and joy to both create and use. I also hope to get back to energy healing, though Covid keeps making that difficult.

My daughter will graduate high school. It's a year earlier than most her age, which is still so impressive to me. She's an incredible person. Everyone should meet her or someone like her once in your life! Your view on the future can be changed just by the meeting.

This is also my last year in the school system. It's time. As I grow, I see more and more that the education system isn't what it should be, and I can't sit around and be part of it and be okay. Kids need much more help on life skills and lessons than the education system chooses to give. 

Once the school year ends, then the real adventure begins! That is, IF we make the big jump in moving. My Hubby keeps going back and forth on the decision. I'm honestly okay either way--things always happen as they should. IF we make the move, it'll be time for our oldest to fly from the nest and become independent. Don't worry, it's by choice. He doesn't want to move with us wherever we go. He's been an adult for a while. It's just now he won't have us helping. He can do it. He's a great human being.

So that's just the first half of next year! And yes, life happens when we're busy making other plans. I know it's not set in stone--nothing is. It's just the baseline drawing of what it may look like, drawn in pencil, of course!

So happy 2022, dear friends! I hope you ring in this new year safely and with lots of laughter and love. We are all one, and every single one of us deserves it!

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

So Why Now?

Hello, new friends. You know who you are--those that were kind enough to care on Facebook. As you can see, I've been at this for quite some time--writing that is. If you take the time to cyber-stalk me, you see I've had other blogs, none successful AT ALL, as well as a few other writing platforms.

So, why now? Why do I now have the sudden urge to been seen and heard?
I think the answer has to do with my awakening. I am starting to get messages or feelings or signs, most I don't quite understand myself. But one message is clear-share it. Write about it. Express the things you're experiencing so others feel less crazy. I know when I feel alone in my awakening, it helps to read others' experiences. 

I want to help people. I want to heal. I want to be the listening ear when they have a "crazy" experience. I want to get the message out that we are not crazy--far from it! The collective is awakening, and it's beautiful! I want those that feel alone to get the message--YOU ARE NOT ALONE! We are with you--always with you. 

I also want it to not be a secret.  Too many times this Earth has attempted a shift, and "others" shamed people back into submission. I want this time to be different. I want us to succeed.

So welcome, new friends. I hope you read and some of it resonates with you. I hope you understand that as crazy as it may seem, you are not crazy, no are you alone. I see you. 

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

So We Wait

Today was supposed to be our last day to pack up and move out...

Supposed to be.

We got the call this morning that the buyer wants and extension on the closing. Apparently he had a "financial emergency" and couldn't have the funds for tomorrow.

So this morning we went BACK to my parents' house and packed up what we'd need for a month and moved BACK into our house. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to know we have a month to finalize everything and we won't be as rushed. But I also made sure our realtor knows this is the only extension like this. We won't be pulled along 'til the guy has the funds. If the sale falls through, our house will be back on the market and we begin again.

I keep reminding myself that things happen as they should. The sale, the move, the changes that we are manifesting coming--they will come. While having to move things around is a pain, the pressure is gone. Hubby and son are going fishing. Daughter is with friends. And I get some quiet alone time in our home of 20 years for a little while longer. 

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Moving--Taxing on a Witch

 I haven't looked to see if this is the norm, or a me experience.

Moving, as a witch whom is also on her spiritual journey, is hard!

I have to continuously go deep within and remind myself I am a witch even without all of my things near, for they must be in storage for now. My altar is gone. My crystals are packed up. My candles and herbs and bottles all safe and secure. These, I know,  are just tools of a witch. The magick is within, always. But being surrounded by these beautiful items and their positive vibrations have always calmed me. 

Each time I do another round of packing, I have to remind myself it is just temporary. I have burned my protections (that I can) thanking them for their help and releasing them back into the earth. With any luck, once we find "home" I'll have my own room to myself! I can envision it now, and I wish you could see it!

On a spiritual level, it is again a learning curve. I know home is within. And I know everything is happening as it should. It is the ego me getting into my feelings about this house. We've lived here my daughter's whole life. To think I'll wake up under this roof one last tine in just a few days seems crazy to me! People around this area don't often change much about their lives. They stay in the area, living in one to two homes in their lives. 

So, why are we choosing this change? My husband and I both feel like it's time. We always spoke of not being tethered to this place. He was in the Army before meeting me. He obviously wanted to travel the world. Yet, once injured, landed back home and never left. I just never left in the first place. The fear of the unknown and the comfort of the normal just felt too good.

But now is the time we feel that it's now or never. Our kids are (mostly) grown. Hurricane Ida convinced me that I don't want to go through that ever again. We were lucky, having only minor damage to our home. We found a buyer for the house, as is. Hubby has a longstanding job offer elsewhere. I have come to the conclusion this is my last year in education. It's all just--right.

And yes, perhaps we'll do this and hate it and not know what to do after. And we'll handle it if that's the case. But we both want to say we tried. 

So now, I pack things and take mental breaks. I remind myself I am the magick. I remind myself this is just a blip on the Universe's story for me. I have faith in myself and in my family. We will not force the things we will go through, but will instead flow with it.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Festivities Continue

On the second day of Yule, the Universe gave to me

Another work day.

Yep, I am indeed having to work another day thanks to Hurricane Ida. I take it as a lesson of patience. The kids in classes are wild. The teachers haven't posted much work. So the kids in here are to be peaceful and chill. At least this way they get a break and so do I. And yes, they did work first. And they're still doing busy work, but it's related to the holiday.

Once this day is said and done, I'll be home. Well, in the house that is home for a few more days. My parents are coming over tonight. We will again be festive and exchange gifts. I'm not cooking, which is a nice break. We'll also be discussing moving in. That is coming so quickly. I'm hoping to begin moving things there this weekend. We'll have Christmas with the other side of the family on Christmas Eve and day. Then it's full steam ahead on moving in with my parents.

All of the hustle and bustle makes it difficult to fully dive in to my awakening. I am, for the time being, suppressing a lot. I am consciously only letting it really flow when I meditate. And wow, when I take time for that, it floods in!

I need an outlet. This blog is  a good start for me. But I feel I need more. There is so much information coming to me, and putting it here is too small, for no one sees this page so who am I helping?  There's that loneliness feeling again. That is a part of my ego I am struggling with. These big feelings and emotions and no one to tell/teach/listen. I listen to Podcasts and just want to scream YES! THIS is what I need! But I am in no way ready to do such things. 

So, I guess I have you--all 1-3 of you to share with. I hope I can one day grow and be able to share and help people. I will continue to jot things down. I will continue to share to those willing to listen. I will continue to offer energy healing. And I will continue to learn all of these amazing lessons.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Yule Blessings!

 "See the gray skies overhead, preparing the way

for the bright sun soon to come.
See the gray skies overhead, preparing the way,
for the world to awake once more.
See the gray skies overhead, preparing the way
for the longest night of the year.
See the gray skies overhead, preparing the way
for the sun to finally return,
bringing with it light and warmth."
Today is a joyous day for so many reasons!
Sure, I'm at work right now, which isn't joyous to say the least. I had planned to be all "damn the man" today since I'm working on such a holiday. But I woke up with cheer in my heart and gratitude in my soul. So I am, as they say, holly jolly, sitting in my classroom with my pajamas on (Yay for PJ day!). Honestly, why aren't PJ's a staple of work wear? I feel so comfy and like I can take on the world!
For those that don't know, Yule is AKA winter solstice. It is the time that the days slowly get longer. We celebrate the return of the sun.
Sure, I don't have a Yule log to burn or a huge celebration planned. We have to be out of our home very soon and just don't have time to do anything big this year. I do, however, have a roast feast planned for my little family. We also normally do our gifts on this night. However, I am very behind on my gift-getting, so we may wait until Christmas this year. I'm the only one who celebrates Yule in my family. The others don't really do much on holidays unless I make them, so they're OK with celebrating whenever.
It's a very strange feeling, having such a festive passion in my heart right now but being at work and moving and so many changing about. This is our last holiday in the house we called home for nearly 20 years. And...I'm OK with that. I may be a puddle of tears come move out day. But I'm oddly at peace with it in this moment.
Blessed, Yule, all. May the sun return and warm your hearts. May your new year be bountiful and filled with blessings. May your spirit soar and soul find peace.

Monday, December 20, 2021

How am I Today?

I am trying to hard to not obsess over the things going on around me. I have to be able to focus enough down here to help my family. I still have to function at work. 

But all I want to do is research. I want to listen to lessons and meditations. I want to grow and develop my gifts. I want to learn and open my eyes and heart fully.

It is a difficult balance right now. I don't know if I'm succeeding right now. How does one calm themselves and focus on the mundane when the extraordinary has been open to you and flooding in?

I want to teach others, but I'm still being taught. I am doing much better when it comes to owning my knowing, even if it's just because I know.

My baby turns 17 today. She is an incredible starblossom. Yet her eyes are still closed. I hope they will open someday so she can see how amazing she is and embrace the gifts she has. She will, I know she will. Patience, Jenn...

So that's my day today--in the awakening sense. I wish I could let it consume me...that'll come soon, too. Once things calm down in my family (besides holiday, we're moving into my parents') I'll be able to put more focus into this expansion. I can wait for it, because it is SO worth it!


I had to come back to add a thing. Today, while on lunch at work, I looked out the window to see about a dozen blue jays just hanging around! I checked the time and it was 11:11.  Talk about a "here's your sign" moment.  I always tell my guides I need obvious signs because I don't pick up on them easily. I guess they took my advice!

Friday, December 17, 2021


I had such a huge download. When I tell you that I could have wept, but it was so amazing there was no way I could.

  First, as the download started my heart raced. I felt like my body was pulsing to the energy around me. The waves of energy I closed my eyes, and I could see my hubby and me. Not our body us, however. Our souls. The forms we took with our original DNA. Oh, I wish I could draw to keep the memory alive! I as a shape of a blend of what humans see as alien, but like nothing I've ever seen. And he was more of a Neanderthal-ish being, but again, not what you'd picture. I got the download loud and clear:

I was of the stars. I came to Earth and have been here for centuries, but I began elsewhere. My soul purpose is to heal and help guide others on their path. My hubby is SUPER special. He is of the first humans placed on this planet. 

When looking at our genotypes, I would be rr and he'd be without humanoids in my original DNA and he with both humanoid and elsewhere trait.  This was on purpose. Our reason for finding each other was because our child had to be created.  She is an Earth dwelling Starbloom, as I was told it was called. She is on this planet to bring it to the higher dimensions. 

The images--the messages--they were clear as if someone was showing me a book. 

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

How Do Spirit Guides Communicate

 This is a question I'm sure a lot of people have. And the answer, I'm sure you can guess, is different for everyone.

This is how I know they're communicating.

It's honestly in different ways. At first, it was synchronicity. I'd see all the 11:11, 4:44, 3:33, etc on the clock. My totals would be "angel numbers" at the store. Once I started actually SEEING it, it's pretty constant now.

I also get feelings. A lot of times, they squeeze my hand. Or they give my heart a hug, if that makes sense. My Trigeminal Neuralgia will act up at a random time...that's usually a warning of some sort.

When I meditate, it is sometimes words...those are hard to hear right now for me. But when I meditate or put my music on shuffle, they often make sure to play the music I need to hear first, especially if the song has lyrics. 

The more I grow and learn to listen to the messages, the more I hear. And, the more I share the messages, the louder they get. I've started answering questions in a social group on Facebook, something I've never dared do before. And I get the gut feeling answers on point. 

My daughter laughs at how tickled I get when I'm right. I honestly feel so alive when I help others or tell them "what I see" in their photos. The whole concept of what I'm learning and going through makes me giddy with excitement.

Yesterday, I did my first card pull from my new Oracle deck. I asked my guides what message they need me to know right now. Want to know what card I got?

It's message basically states you are in a whirlwind of messages and knowledge coming in from all around you. You are awakening. Let it all in. Isn't that perfect? Once again, the message is exact! 

Is what I'm going through crazy to many? I'm sure so. I mean, a few years ago I would have laughed at all of this. Well, not laughed--that's mean--I would have not believed it/understood it. (just at this moment I looked at the clock--11:11) 

To me, this is real. This is life. The Universe does not work linearly. It is a bunch of lines and waves flowing and dancing around us. Am I crazy? Again, I asked myself this a lot at first. And, if I am, that's fine. I'm going to be crazy happy!

Monday, December 13, 2021

Let's Talk About It


Souls are interesting to me. The concept that we are just fleshy beings being controlled by our true being, the soul, fascinates me.

I have come to find, for a long time now, that being classified as “straight” bothered me. I didn’t understand why. I have always been with men. I’ve never been with a woman. But yet I couldn’t figure out the feelings.

Then all of these changes started. Learning and knowing things I’ve never even thought possible. Realizing that we all are souls.


I am attracted to people based on how their soul feels to me. It’s crazy to say out loud, but it is so true! Some of you that know my husband and me may be a bit confused right now. My husband has very closed chakras. His soul is locked up tight, just for him to know. Yet he fascinates me. When I want to discuss weird things, as he calls it, he’s open to it. When I attempt connecting exercises, he opens, just enough for a peak, but not enough to see fully. The fact that he’s so closed off but does these things for me is such a sign of love and devotion. Perhaps I’ve seen his soul in the past, when we were working though a dark space in his life, I just didn’t know it.  I mean, my journey has just recently started in the concept of time. But I’ve known him almost ½ of my life. I told him about my feelings last night. He didn’t flinch. It didn’t surprise him. Sure, he said it was crazy, but he says that about everything going on with me right now. But he also said he’d stick with me no matter what, and I believe him.

There’s a title for people that are attracted to souls. However, I prefer the label of queer—I like Q words.

I know there are others out there. I mean, if there’s a label that means others came up with it. I want to find them…talk to them…I’m not looking for any other partners. I just want to know I’m not alone in this craziness.

Sunday, December 12, 2021



So many wonderful things are coming into my life. My manifestations for the past year are coming true! Since December 1, life has been a whirlwind of blessings of movement.

I can't go into much more detail at the moment with my biggest news, unfortunately, because some family doesn't know yet.

But I can tell you yesterday I received a text from the store I decided to sell my Mala necklaces at. In a week, I've already sold 1-2! The owner was so excited and requested a necklace display so they can be shown better to sell. Of COURSE I went right out and found one--for 50% off!

I waited so long to put the Malas there. I kept telling myself I wasn't good enough to sell them there. But, with all the greatness going on around me right now, I listened to my guides and did it...and I am SO glad I did!

I am so open and aware. The feeling is incredible. I made a Facebook Page to share with others.

 Spiritual Awakening Support

It's a place to share experiences, ask questions, and feel less alone on the rollercoaster of awakening. Won't you join me?


Saturday, December 11, 2021

A True Experience

 I had my first pure experience.

I felt my soul. I was my soul.

I danced as I cooked. I really danced. Knee be damned, I danced. I felt each note and word of each song that played in my ears.

I experienced so many timelines, at times I had to ask my guides to slow it down a bit so I could catch my breath. It was so thrilling. I told my hubby he came home from work so many times that day!

I felt my guides. I saw them moving about me. I heard them, so please that I was there. 

I felt bad for cooking chicken, and had to remind myself it was OK because they were already dead when I got them. I actually apologized to them.
This was no dream--this was my evening the other day! I connected to my soul like I have never been able to do before. It was the most incredible feeling, one which I hope to duplicate often! Oh, how I wish I could live that way forever....

I will get there. This experience makes me even more determined to open myself to the Universe, of which I am part of!

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Energy Vampires

Do you know that vampires really do exist?

OK, so I don't have proof that vampires as we know them from books and movies exist.

But energy vampires do exist.

    What are they? How do I know if I encounter one? Do they hate garlic?

 While I don't know about the last question, I can tell you they are everywhere. You encounter them in your day-to-day life. Perhaps you are one, or your partner, or your kid!

Now that I've confused you, let's talk about what I mean. I am an empath. That means I can feel people's energies. I can also take in energies if I'm not careful. Vampires feed on other's energies. They make it a point to bring your vibrations down closer to their level. They vibrate on a very low frequency.

Very often, empaths whom are not attuned to their gifts are drawn to vampires. Vampires are very good at attaching themselves to people of higher frequencies. What better way than to be in a relationship with someone on an empathic level? 

So, what can empaths to do keep safe from the vampires that lurk around the corner?

--Ground. Ground and keep grounded. I personally ground often. 

--Release energy. Each night (or sometimes after an interaction with someone I feel is a vampire) I release energy that is not mine or no longer has a use for me. It can be as simple as wiping your hands and saying, 'I release any energy that is not mine that I may have picked up along my way.' Or, on really hard days, I cleanse in the shower. Water is a great way to cleanse negative energy away.

--Crystals. I carry them everywhere! I have recently started carrying a piece of selenite with me. When I feel a negative energy, I hold it in my hand. I also use it to help get rid of blockages in my Chakra. 

Energy vampires are not all bad, or at least, not all intend to be. Some people stuck on the 3D/4D arena can't even tell what they're doing with frequencies and energies. Others, however, can and do use people for their own good. It is so very important to protect your energy. No one should ever have power over your emotions or energy. You cannot help how others around you act or treat you. However, you have the power over how you react to the situations. Something I always tell kids (I work at a school) when they react to something someone else said/did is 

'You can't help what someone says or does. All you can control is yourself and your reaction. They didn't make you react this way. This is the way you chose to react, which, in many cases, is what the person wanted. You gave them power over you. You have to remind yourself YOU are in control of you, no one else.'

I hope this doesn't fall on deaf ears. I hope this resonates with someone. My page is so small, yet I have SUCH high hopes to reach others and at least once make them ponder for a moment.

Be Blessed.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Spiritual Awakening-My Version

 I feel that, in my excitement of learning new things, I may have skipped WAYYYY ahead for those reading.

It seems I must first explain what, to me, a spiritual awakening is. ***Remember, this is what I believe. Please, if interested do your own research into the matter.

First of all, a spiritual awakening is literal--it's when you're awakened to your more spiritual side of self. It can be triggered by major life events, including trauma. It can also be triggered by mundane events, like midlife crisis but on chill. I think that's what triggered mine. My kids are (mostly) grown. My daughter is going off to college next year. We are in the process of changing a lot of things in our lives. And, in such process, I started looking at myself.

I have been Mom for so many years. I've been Mrs. Hubby. I've been Mrs. B (or Miss, for those that know how kids are). I had forgotten who I was--just me. So, I began to contemplate that question.

Who am I, really?

Just when I began that thinking everything shifted. I found myself on Google, searching things like witchcraft, meditating, Paganism. I started sensing things I hadn't before. I had memories of my childhood that felt like they were locked away until I was ready. My eyes and mind opened like a book begging to be read.

I also felt very alone.

The more I searched, the more I wanted to share. However, there aren't very many like-minded people in my circle. The friends fell off. Even my hubby (whom I love dearly) didn't understand my excited rants. I have since become more reserved into myself. It is a hard pill to swallow, that I have to "pretend normal," and I have been working to allow myself to be authentic. But it's a work in progress.

My shadow self also hit me like a sack of bricks. I have so much trauma from past relationships built up. I had to sort through them. I trudged through guilt and grief. I relieved the worst moments growing up. I admitted my wrongdoings and accepted responsibility for things. I had nights where I sobbed, woke up in sweat, trembling. I still do meditations to work on my shadow self. But I have also learned it is a part of me, but it is NOT who I am. 

I grew up Catholic. I'm talking go to church and religion weekly, altar server, Jesus is God and speak nothing of any other Catholic. There was a point in my teenage years I looked into more--into witchcraft and Paganism to be exact.  However, a sibling made fun of me to the point that I stopped. I locked that up inside and never thought of it again--until this awakening. It does, admittingly, hurt that I could have been so much further down my path if it weren't for that. But then I remember that everything happens as it should and in its own time.

The dreams--my dreams have always been pretty vivid. I could feel how strong they were. However, most of the time I'd forget them before I woke up. But now--they are SO strong. And, while a lot of them used to have a fantasy feel to them, my dreams have grown to real life. They feel as if I'm on a different timeline, which I may be. I often awake to wondering if any of the dreams were real.

11:11--I am a sucker for synchronicity! I see them all the time all day everyday. I smile each time, because I know that's my spirit guides saying 'I gotchu.' I also experience a lot of deja vu. I especially get this when I take my CBD to enhance my meditations. Yes, I use CBD--I have a condition called Trigeminal Neuralgia (look it up) along with Fibro, and one of the ways to ease my symptoms is with a daily dose of CBD. It's fine if you don't agree with my usage. I agree with it just fine. I have learned that I am able to jump to different timelines with this. It's hard to explain, and I am still researching what it all means, so more to come on that front!

Since starting this new chapter, my routine has changed. I do my best to meditate every day. I practice breathing exercises throughout my day. There are days that I lay under my tree, telling it my worries, and asking it to help heal my anxiety. I speak to my house, thanking it for protecting my family. I no longer allow people at my job to effect my emotions. I try to be more mindful in how much I eat--that I'm still working on. I try to move more. I try to live more.

And the final huge thing for me is learning. I want to learn it all. I want to be taught by others that have journeyed this path. I also want to teach others. I want to show them that there's so much more in the Universe than what they see. I want to help heal and do energy work for the greatest of good. When I do energy sessions, the look in the person's eyes afterwards is so rewarding. Each new lesson I learn makes my soul dance. 

I have come to realize and accept that everyone is on their own path. I can't make people see what they choose not to. I can't be like, "You. See this shit--now!" Sometimes I want to. But it isn't for everyone to see, and that's OK. Terra and its residences are going through a shift, and I am blessed to be a part of it.

So there you have it--what going through a spiritual awakening means to me. Have you experienced anything like this? What are your thoughts? I'd love to know!

Monday, December 6, 2021

So Explain What You Just Said

My last post, I discussed my Reiki session with a friend. I also stated something of my whereabouts that from which I came. I know it sounds crazy to so many people, but is it really?

I mean, how bias are we whom think that we are alone in this vast universe? There are other beings in the Universe, of this I am sure. And beings from other planets and dimensions have found ways to travel far and wide. Just because we, as humans, have not yet doesn't mean older civilizations haven't. I believe in past lives back and back, we can all be traced to many parts of the vastness. I have been told on multiple readings that I come from two consistent parts of the Universe--Sirius and Artuvia--and I believe both.

They also have connections to Egypt, which I have always been fascinated with and now communicate with the Gods and Goddesses associated with the lands. I have, for a long time now, felt that in lives past I lived there.

My spirit guides are insistent that I "Connect the Dots." That's what I intend to do. I'll post information on the places as I research. Partly to inform others, as I have been told I need to start doing with my gifts. But also because my memory to date is not the best, so it will be good for my note taking. I hope to learn things I have been longing to know. I wish to grow so fully during this part of my awakening. And I hope you're willing to at least consider the possibilities that come to light as you follow along on my journey.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

A Reikier gets Reiki'd

I had been feeling off lately. Things have been a whirlwind in life, and things are changing fast. I needed to be reminded of my spiritual path and powers. I needed to be reminded that my path is the right one for me. So, I went to a friend that does Reiki and asked for attunement. 

Let me just say--your soul knows what it needs and when it needs it.

Honestly, I waited too long. It was SO needed!  She straight away came in with messages that I needed to hear. All of the blockages she spoke of and worked with I knew were there. Her guides and guardians are incredible. You can feel their love for her when she speaks of them. 

When she was coming to the end of the session, I felt it again--my spirit guide holding my hand. Oh, how I missed this! I can once again feel the vibrations of the Universe. My guides and guardians are swirling around me, giving me hugs of "welcome back."

Then there was more--oh so much more!

Before we parted ways, she told me to research "Sirius" and "Pleaidians." I wasn't sure what it meant, but I trusted the message like all others.

My day was busy, so I wasn't able to go down the rabbit hole until last night. She, like others I've been read by, confirmed my thoughts so greatly--I have Sirius DNA in me.

Down the rabbit hole I went, and down the rabbit hole I stay, for a time.  I want to learn so much and continue my path of Spiritual Awakening. I want to learn more of who I am and connect dots once lost in the clutter of my brain. I am so ready and willing for these downloads. And I wish to share with you.

So, I am back to post. I will make blogs that may not make sense to either your or myself. But I will spread the messages given to me. I will help heals souls on this Earth. That is why I am here. That is what I am meant to do.
Please, join me on this journey?


Oh What a Ride

I haven't abandoned you, dear loves. Life has been in fast motion as of late for me. There's so much change, and I am just enjoying ...