Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Radio Silence

With our move getting super close, I guess I am in full 3D mode right now. I haven't been fully feeling awakened or having as many signs spotted to guide me.

That being said, I think the next few days I won't be posting much. Please stick around, because once we're settled I'm hoping to dive right back in and reopen my senses.

If you're still on your awakening journey, keep going down that rabbit hole. Research. Cleanse. Listen and look for signs. Awaken and bloom and be amazing!

Be Blessed. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Signs of Shifting Day 10

Let's talk about our next sign of shifting:

     "Like attracts Like"

I have found so many people have come into my life that have some views similar to mine since starting to shift. Sure, I often feel pretty alone, but it's more a reflection of me than anything. I have to learn to reach out when need-be.

The opposite of this is many people have fallen out of my lift as I shift. People that I thought were friends were just space-fillers in my days. Family that I thought I was close to, or REALLY tried to make a close relationship with, are no longer part of my narrative. I have trouble with small talk, so my days tend to be pretty quiet. I'd much rather the quiet than the boring talk that others fill the space with. Not many around me want to talk of time shifts, awakenings, and souls. 

I am hoping as I grow that more people will be brought into my life that have similar views as I. Knowing I'm not the only one and I'm not crazy can be comforting. Until then, I shall embrace the quiet and try to learn patience in waiting for the like to attract like to me.

A Moment to Brag

I have to take a moment away from the spiritual side of my life to brag about my kids.

As many of you know, I work in the education system. I work with kids that need a little more help in class than others. It is a struggle. Some of these kids fight hard to barely pass. Others, we go back and forth in a tug-of-war to get them to do any work, even though they are quite capable.

Well, report cards go home today. And I am MORE than proud to say that none of my kids (that I've checked with thus far....I'm sure I have a couple that I only see once a day that aren't going to be as great) at this time, are failing! In fact, a few made Faculty's List--I had to explain what that meant since they aren't used to making such good grades.

I boast because these kids have it hard. Many live with people other than their parents. They have had to deal with missing for quarantine for Covid over and over. They have had to deal with hurricane Ida and her aftermath. Kids lost homes and items they held dear. Kids have moved away, gone virtual, and come back. And, in my opinion, we came back to school far too soon afterwards and made threw them right back into working for their grades. They have had to deal with coming back with no uniforms. They have struggled with breaks that are, honestly, not long enough for them to breathe. And yet, they have kept their grades from getting too low.

So yes, these kids deserve FAR more credit than they receive. Not just my kids--all of the kids in this area....heck, ALL the kids not failing in this country of chaos right now. These kids, that often get lost in the mix, are doing a fantastic job with what they've been dealt lately.

And I couldn't be more proud.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

A Day in the Life--One Year from Today

***Let me first note that this can be a GREAT way to manifest what you desire. Think it. Live it. Put it out into the Universe.***

It was hard getting out of bed this morning. I'm not used to this kind of cold. Negative temperatures didn't exist in South LA. Everyone was right, though, it's a different kind of cold. It's not nearly as piercing as it was in Cajun Country. That dry air makes all the difference.

Thankfully, the sun is shining today, so I can get out and about. I get ready for my day. I start putting on my layers, and start the car to heat it up. Thank GOODNESS for heated parking! It's been a life-saver through our first winter here.

 The vision of the settled snow covering everything is breathtaking. It still feels like a dream that we live here. I have to drive SUPER careful--driving on snow or even iced roads are terrifying to me! I'm sure I'll get used of it, just not there yet. My boss is good at understanding when I'm late. She laughs at me every time I come in with a look of exhaustion from such concentration. 

I set up for my day. I'm working at a new age/metaphysical/health store. When I'm not with clients, I'm a cashier/shelf stocker/customer helper. I love it! The customers that come in are so amazed by the crystals and herbs and what they can do. Every time I speak with one, my excitement grows. They say they can tell I love what I do...and that my accent makes them smile. Ah yes, that Cajun that got lost on the Mississippi somewhere, that's me! I get reminded at least once a day that once it thaws, I can start at the beginning of the river and just paddle home--never gets old.

I have only one customer today. Things are slow during the winter. This is, afterall, a tourist town. I'll build up my clients once we thaw. I do energy work and a card reading, and suggest items that may help with her awakening. She asks for some good journaling topics, which I'm quick to list off. This is how I'm meant to be. Healing and teaching. Finding like-minded people to be around. I am so grateful that this shop took a chance on me.

I head home, slowly again. I go into my room to meditate and cleanse myself of the day. Marlin gets home just in time for dinner. We're interrupted by a video call--Lilly just checking in. She laughs at us for liking the cold. She and Jenna are heading off for a date, and wanted to say hi before they forget. They are so good for each other.

Marlin and I settle in for another freezing night. Hot chocolate (spiked, we are Cajun) and a movie. Seth texts, letting us know he caught more fish to tease Marlin with. Marlin replies that he's going ice fishing this weekend. Seth says he can keep that crap. 

Every day is a blessing. Each day is an adventure. I am in love with my human existence. 

Friday, January 21, 2022

Shadow Work-Food Addiction

While meditating yesterday, a bit of shadow work came to me. 

I have a bad relationship with food.

In order to heal this relationship, it'll take a lot of soul searching. Let's start at the beginning.

As a kid, I was a picky eater. I'm talking chicken nuggets and fries or a cheeseburger ketchup only or I'm not having it.

I was also spoiled. My grandmother would get me McDonald's or Boudreaux burgers (your loss if you don't live in Chackbay area to experience those) any time I wanted. Even if I were at home, she'd get my grandpa to drop me food at my request. If I were at her house, her homemade french fries were where it was at. It wasn't just when I was small, either. The older I got, it kept going, basically until I could drive myself.

Food meant comfort. Feeling bad? I still crave those fries. Got good grades? Let's go eat! I still did that with my kids...good events mean eating.

When I was younger (aka before kids), I could eat like a horse and never gain weight. My grandma always says I was too bony and skinny. And she'd feed me. People would joke about how I could down food, and give me more.

Bad things happened to me from the age of 13, that I am working through privately. But instead of talking and/or getting help, I kept quiet. And lost my relationship with food alltogether--started forgetting to eat.

Honestly, once I got to high school it was different. Food was an afterthought. I had school, band, work, home life--no time for food. That's where I learned to miss meals and forget to eat. And, when I did eat, it wasn't healthy. Again, still skinny, but started getting a little belly fat, which was bad because I also did pageants. I was always the least skinny, baby face contestant. But I did well.

Then comes adulthood. Living on hot fries and Dr. Pepper while in college. Suppers were junk, quick fix meals. I had school, band, work, and life. I hated college. I dropped out after one year. I THOUGHT I'd get on track after that--then I get pregnant.

As soon as I was positive, I got married (mistake). We had a bad relationship. And where did I turn for comfort? Yep, food. I remember eating 4 doughnuts and then going to my diabetes test that I had forgotten about. I know I gave red flags like that to my doctor, but they were ignored. The worse the relationship got, the more I ate. I went from 110ish lbs to 210 when I had my son. The relationship continued for almost 2 years, and I was depressed. I never got help. I just ate and drank and tried to numb myself. Of course, it didn't work.

When my marriage ended, I went back to forgetting to eat. My depression was worse, and I didn't care about myself at all. I was couch surfing while trying to figure out my life. That meant eating when I could, but never having control of what I was eating. This was the time I met him--my saving grace. I will say until the end of days that he saved me. He took me in and loved my son like his own. 

I had a home. I had stability. And for the first time in a long time, I felt safe. I started losing weight. I got help for my depression, and started getting answers to other health issues. I found my happy again. Just as I was getting to a good weight again, I got pregnant. I stayed on top of my mental health this time. However, I gained all the weight back, even with a better relationship. One I had my daughter, I couldn't get the weight off. I started doing all the counting calories and watching carbs and working out I could. Nothing helped. I got on a medicine that got me down to 140 lbs. However, it wasn't good for my heart. I had to get off of it, and the weight came back.

Then came the surgeries. First, my gall bladder died. Then, multiple knee surgeries to fix damage that was ignored for far too long. All of these put me less than mobile a LOT.  All I did was sit and eat. Depression had a hold on me, and I had trouble getting through. I had medicine, but never went to therapy. I should have done that...but hindsight is 20/20...

And now here I am--220 lbs, after gaining 20 lbs in 2 months, while changing NOTHING--I didn't eat extra or stop moving. I think it's my Hashimoto's, but my doctor doesn't seem concerned. And I have to fix this relationship I have with food. I'm now at the point that I honestly think I eat with blinders on. I still associate good events with food. And I don't eat enough when I'm supposed to. My husband seems to think I don't eat a lot, which I disagree.

Phew~~what a tangent to say I have shadow work to do! This is my start, so plan on seeing more things about food here. Maybe I'll do a few posts with recipes and their content's meanings.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Down a Notch?

Let us all be honest here--some days you feel like you "need" to be in 3D.

Like today for example. I feel depression hanging over me a bit more than I would like. Those creeping negative thoughts keep trying to gain access and take over. We are very short staffed in my department thanks to Covid. It is rainy and gloomy out. I feel like Hashimoto's (hypothyroid condition) is trying to beat me down.

So, while I'd love to be all love and light and Universe, I feel more like hiding under a warm blanket and not coming out.

And that is okay.

When the negative thoughts start coming, I consciously change to thinking of blessings. Today will be a good day because I am blessed in so many other ways that the 'not good' parts won't win.

It is okay to need a 3D day, where you may not hear messages or sense meanings around you. You have lived in this reality for so long, sometimes it's hard to break it. But you can. You can take a moment, be in it, and move on. There is NOTHING wrong with a pause.

And, on a 4D-ish note, think of it this way: You sense this happening...that's a step forward in any sense.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Signs of Shifting Day 9

Today's topic can be one of the harder shifting moments

        Culling of People

Now, this isn't me telling you to go kill people that don't think like you!!!

As you awaken and you begin vibrating on a higher frequency, you may feel that friendships or relationships you once had no longer feel "right" to you.

Those not on an awakened path, like narcissists, vibrate at low frequencies. Those low vibes are not what your awakened soul wants around. Your soul begins to long for likeminded, higher vibrating people. 

It can be difficult to have small talk with people. Topics of chit chat just don't interest you anymore.

This is hard for me. I used to be social. I'd chit chat with everyone. Now I stay quiet in most social situations. No one around me wants to talk about spiritual things with me. It can be quite lonely.

It also can be peaceful. I've come to find comfort in the fact that those little small talk moments don't interest me. It is also eye opening in watching others go through mundane topics.

Have you started seeing people going out of your life as you awaken? The door is open for them to leave for a reason. Allow them to go. Thank them for their time in your life. And remember, it all happens as it should.

Be Blessed.

Waves of Spiritual Awakening

One thing I can guarantee--Your awakening will but unique only to you. I can also promise it will not come all at once. Awakening takes time. You were asleep for oh so long, after all. 

I relate awakening to waves. Some days, I feel like a spiritual badass. Others, I feel tired, drained, lost, and confused. There are many things I do not know. I may not ever know. Being okay with that can be hard.

Do not stress yourself over your awakening. The more you try to force it, the less likely it is to happen. One important lesson through all of this is everything happens as it should and when it should. Time is a human construct. There is no start and finish line. It is an ongoing, crazy, destructive, beautiful process. 

You can get through this. You will get through this. And what a wonder you will be!

Signs of Shifting Day 8

Today's discussion is "Chakras Activate."

If you didn't say it in a superhero pose and confident voice, we can't be friends.

Seriously though, your Chakras activating and aligning are a huge step in awakening. You may not think it's a big deal, unless you REALLY think about it. 

One example for me is my 3rd eye. I know it took a while for me to open. Actually, I didn't realize that it was open for a while. I am 3rd eye blind (and not the band). I don't "see" things. I just sense it with all of my other senses. However, the more I work, the more receptive I am. Now, I have to purposefully close my eye at night so my brain can rest. I have been having trouble getting quality sleep lately. I struggle to calm my intake of messages.

Another sign of me getting a Chakra open that I am happy to have is my sacral/solar plexus. I am still working on those, but as I align my digestive system is flowing SO much better! Those that know, know.

So how do you activate your Chakras? One great tool is meditating. Take the time to focus on one at a time. My suggestion is to start with grounding and your root chakra. Holding crystals that correlate to the chakra you're working on can really help! Don't stress if you can't tell if it's working. Move your way through. You may not feel anything until they're all aligned and flowing.

Reiki can help with this! A Reiki practitioner can help by sensing blockages you may have. They can also send healing energy throughout your body that can help things move. So consider a Reiki session or energy healing session if you'd like help with this!

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Signs of Shifting Day 7

Day seven brings us to changing in breathing.

 When you think about it, it makes sense. You start doing meditation. Maybe you're doing yoga, too. Those rely on slowing your breath and focusing. 

Soon, the practice of slower, deeper, more meaningful breaths becomes a part of your natural living. I know I always joke with my hubby that we'll never get our heartbeats matching because he breaths short and fast and I breathe deeply and slowly. If anything, his heart can "thump thump" for just one of my thumps!

Let me ask, did you focus on your breath just a bit more while reading this? Take a couple of minutes each day to focus inward on your breath and see if anything changes for you.

Saturday, January 15, 2022


I woke up in a euphoric mood today. That is the perfect word--a word I very seldom, if ever, use.

I had a strange dream, of which I don't know the message. But I woke up feeling amazing. I woke up in peace. And a message of sorts...

Everyone's experience through awakening will be different. They will see different auras on you. They will hear different messages than you. And do you know why? Because we are in this experience so the collective experiences it all. No one is supposed to feel the same about an experience because the collective wouldn't learn from sameness.

Just because I hear a message from a guide that another disagrees with, it isn't wrong. The message just isn't for them.

Every experience you have through your journey is valid and beautiful.

Be Blessed. 

Friday, January 14, 2022

Signs of Shifting Day 6

Day 6 we discuss

Time and Memory Mutations

As you shift into your awakenings, new memories may come pouring in. I, myself, have many childhood memories that have popped up. 

For example, one that I think I've talked about before is being with my cousin and floating. I remember the feeling. I see the scene when I recall the memory. Many of the memories I have are from when I was still young enough to have not been brainwashed by 3D. Floating, magick, spiritual guides.

Some memories mutate. Perhaps you remembered something one way and now, as you are opening your eyes, you see it in a different way/light. There are some dark moments in my past that I see in a different light now. It has changed my perspective on a lot of moments.

I also have realized I don't do well with time anymore. I have to be on my game to keep up with time. It's inconsistent now. One moment, I feel like it's flying. The next, I thought an hour has past and it's been 5 minutes. When I'm in my moments of truth, time seems to stand still. 

Pay attention to time, and it controls you. Focus less on time, and you'll see how freeing it feels. Take one day and get away from clocks. Go by what you feel. It's a game changer! 

Signs of Shifting Day 5

Today's sign we'll talk about is one I am NOT loving!

"Disrupted Sleep Patterns"

I have not slept well in a LONG time. I don't know if it's I'm dreaming more lucidly or if my insomnia is acting up or what...but it sucks!

I got a FitBit for Yule. I love that it tracks things like heart rate and sleep patterns. However, it also is teaching me that I get little/no deep or REM sleep. Those are the most important stages! I think maybe it's because my Third Eye is just so freaking open right now it's hard to control.

A friend did give me tips for closing my eyes for sleep. And I've been doing them. It has helped, but not as much as I had hoped. 

I don't wake up in the middle of the night, which is a good thing. That routine left me more tired than this routine. I am on medication for insomnia. Sometimes I wish I could get myself off of them. However, with my chronic fatigue I know it's not a good idea. 

So how about you? How have you been sleeping? If you haven't been getting quality sleep because of lucid dreaming or other aspects of your awakening, here are some tips that may help:

Meditate. There are some great guided meditations that are designed to get you to the sleep stage.

Hydrate. Be sure that your body is fully prepared for the sleep  cycle.

Journal. Write down thoughts that may be keeping you awake.

Yoga. There are some poses that can be done in bed.

Unplug! Some people need at least an hour away from screens before they can peacefully settle in bed.

Pray. Ask your guardians and guides to protect you during your sleep. Or use the mantra, "I get peaceful, healing sleep everyday," or one you come up with.

These are just a few thoughts that can help. I know I need to listen to my own advice on these. Take care of yourself. 

And Now, a Poem


Ah, my old mask

Worn and cracked from ears of use

Pieces chipped away from getting knocked around

Protector. Concealor. Cage.

You helped hide the hurt and the pain

Struggles of the deep

Too young did I find you

Hiding my true self from the world

Never allowing feelings to truly show

Keeping me from learning of 

Struggle, pain, hate, love

Each moment with you, piling on the weight

Of lies, deceit, heartache

Aiding me in hurting so many

While my soul lies in wait

Finally breaking free! A new life to create

One of joy and beauty, truth and love

Too long was I in prison, dear friend

Hide me no more!

Love of self flows freely, thankful for each moment.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Love Your Body

I have come to realize I have been ignoring my vessel. I have been so focused on my emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing and focusing on the fact that I am a soul having this human experience that I have forgotten to take care of my mode of transportation.

Recently, I have gained a considerable amount of weight for no real reason. I didn't much mind, since my soul and emotions were in a wonderful place. However, my body is like a car--it needs checkups, tune-ups, oil changes if I'm to keep traveling. 

This year, I need to focus more on that. I need to get my health in check. First up, I need to look within myself and figure out what road block I'm facing that keeps me from just doing what I need to do. I have a locked door that keeps me from the part of my brain that has the determination to move more and eat better. My hubby thinks I'm crazy because I don't eat a lot, yet I've gained all this weight.

So, I went to the doctor yesterday. I discussed my concerns. We did bloodwork. It all came back fine. My numbers are of no concern. Then what is causing all of this? My body is trying to get my attention, and I need to listen more carefully. We did adjust my medicines some to see if that helps. I do deal with quite a few health conditions. I do not "have" them--I do not claim them as my own or as part of me. 

To me, health issues are a part of my experience. I am supposed to learn something from each one. My insulin resistance, for example, makes me slow down. If I get up too fast I get light headed. So I have to be melodic and careful when I transition positions. There is the lesson.

I plan on taking accountability of my physical health this year. I don't see it as a resolution, but instead a lesson I must experience. I shall keep you updated on my lesson.

Signs of Shifting Day 4

The fourth sign of a spiritual shift is healing upgrades.

    "But what does that mean?"

Well, personally, I feel it means you start really feeling your body. You are in tuned with what your vessel needs. You recognize pains and aches and research if they have further meaning than just "ouch." For example, if I have a stomach ache, I know it can mean my Solar Plexus or Sacral Chakras need adjusting/tuning. 

Taking the time to sit with your body and really get into the mindset that it is your soul's travel vessel while you are in this human experience is a game changer! Try it out and let me know what you find :)

Signs of Spiritual Shifting Day 3

Day 3 brings us to this:

Flying and Floating

 Oh, to be a kid again! Going through my awakening process has brought up childhood memories of just that--floating!

I remember hiding behind my house with my cousin and our feet leaving the ground. We'd float all the time when we were together. It's a shame that the 3d experiences take that away from us. Every once in a while, I get the feeling again. I close my eyes and feel myself lift off the surface I'm on. I've never full-on flown, that I remember. But that sensation of floating has returned, and it feels so freeing.

So, meditate today. In your calm state, feel what it would be like to lift off the floor you're being supported by. Tell me, is it a feeling that feels like a memory?

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Signs of Shifting Day Two

So today's sign of a shift in life is becoming sensitive to nature, noise, and energy. 

 For the past couple of years, this has become so true. I love being outside. I take the long way to classes just to walk outside more. I tell birds hello. I move animals that may be in harm's way. 

I HATE loud noises and crowds even more than I used to. I can also hear things from far away. I actually think I hear things far away better than close to me lately.  Some noises I sense the vibration from them. It's a strange feeling, but I'm learning to enjoy and embrace it.

Energy--Ohhh energy. I sense it everywhere and from everyone. I have to cleanse daily to remove any energy I may have picked up around me that I shouldn't have. I hear electricity moving. I have trouble concentrating when I'm around bad energy. 

So yes, this one for sure resonates with me. How does it resonate with you? Don't think it does? Go stand barefoot on the grass for a while and listen to the friends around you telling you hello.

Know Thyself Q&A


    1. Let's, together, learn a little more about me. I'd love to know your thoughts/answers

  1. What does your ideal day look like?

  2. Wake up. Take time to stretch. Drink my coffee and eat my breakfast while scrolling on my phone. Meditate. Find articles or a book to read. Listen to music. Talk to my parents. Spend time with my love (and kids if they're around).

  3. What did you want to be when you were younger?

  4. I wanted to be a music teacher.

  5. Who are you most inspired by? Why?

  6. My daughter, hands down. She has known herself since such a young age. She is unapologetically her. She is brave and a beautiful soul through and through.

  7. Who would you love to meet? What would you ask?

  8. I love meeting people on their spiritual journey. I love hearing of their experiences.

  9. What habit would you most like to break? What habit would you most like to start?

  10. I want to stop being stagnant! I want to start moving more and watching what I eat.

  11. Think of a person you truly admire. What qualities do you like about that person?

  12. I admire people who are genuine. They are bold and stand up for what is right in life.

  13. How do you like to relax?

  14. Baths are my go-to. Listening to music and meditating

  15. When was the last time you did something you were afraid of?

  16. Putting our home for sale and ACTUALLY selling is pretty scary

  17. What are you most proud of?

  18. I am proud of the person I have become/am becoming. It took a long time it seems, but I am getting there!

  19. What are you most afraid of?

  20. I guess my biggest fear would be going back to who I was.

  21. If life stopped today, what would you regret not doing?

  22. I'd regret not texting my kids this morning

  23. Who would you like to connect (or reconnect) with? Why?

  24. I am all about connecting with like minded people. I won't say that I want to reconnect with anyone in particular--people come and go in life for reasons.

  25. What qualities do you admire in others?

  26. I admire people who are their authentic selves, be damned what others think. I also admire when people can own up to their mistakes. And I will always cheer on the underdog

  27. What practical skills do you wish you had?

  28. I wish I could sew. I think it'd be amazing to see a piece and be like, "I can make that"

  29. Imagine you’re in your 90s. What memories would you like to have? What stories do you want to tell?

  30. I sure hope I keep memories of times when my kids were young! I want to tell of my adventures in life--travelling, finding myself, and how I changed my life around when I met my husband.

  31. What is your favorite book/movie/song? Why?

  32. That's a hard one. Right now, I haven't been reading books. I have been reading more articles about awakening spiritually and how to heal yourself. My favorite movie to date is "The Greatest Showman." It is so inspiring to see people, once thought of as 'weird' become confident and love themselves. My favorite song right now is, "Slow Down" by Nahko and he Medicine for the People. I listen to it when life seems a bit too chaotic for me.

  33. If you could make one change in the world, what would it be?

  34. I would put more compassion into the world. Parents would love their kids no matter what. People would see others with love. Everyone would feel valid.

  35. What do you love to do for, or give to others (not an object – something from you personally)?

  36. I love energy healing. I love that people trust me with their energy. I love helping those that feel invisible or unworthy find their worth.

  37. What excites you?

  38. When someone, including myself, opens to a new 'aha' moment on reality. Or when a kid opens up to their parents and their parents embrace them.

  39. What do you wish you did more of?

  40. I wish I would help more. I have this desire to help kids around me, yet I honestly don't make the effort to find a way to really help. I wish I would move more. I wish I had the courage to overcome whatever block I have to just workout and eat right and get healthier.

  41. Pretend money is no object. What would you do?

  42. 1. Cruise around the world for a year.

  43. 2. Buy a house in Minnesota and one some Caribbean island.

  44. 3. Open a metaphysical shop in Minnesota.

  45. 4. Buy a house for my son.

  46. 5. Once she's where she wants to live in life, either fully pay for an apartment or house for my daughter.

  47. 6. Start a support group for tween/teen LGBT+ kids nationwide in schools

  48. What area of your life, right now, makes you feel the best? Which area makes you feel the worst? Why?

  49. My spiritual awakening makes me feel the best! Opening my eyes to all of these new possibilities is so exciting!

  50. My health makes me feel the worst. I know it isn't good, and I know most is my fault. I don't take care of myself. And, knowing my body is just a vessel, I've gotten worse about it instead of better.

  51. Let’s jump forward a year. What would you like to have achieved in the past year?

  52. This year, I WILL sell 50 Mala necklaces. I will book more healing sessions for others. I will join the gym and focus on my physical health more. I will move, whether it's just to a different home around here or to Minnesota. I will leave my job and find a job that I can love again.

  53. What piece of advice would you give to five year old you? Sixteen year old you? Twenty-one year old you? Right now?

  54. 5- Oh my dear, you do not have to people please. Be yourself. No matter what others say, the true you is SO important. Believe in magick--it IS real!

  55. 16- Stop undervaluing yourself!!! What happened to you when you were 13 was NOT your fault. Do NOT let that one horrible even determine your worth. You don't need to hide behind a mask and lie and cheat your way through life. You are allowed to be your authentic self. Your parents will STILL LOVE YOU.

  56. 21- Get your head out of your ass! Stop faking okayness. You are allowed to say when you're unhappy. You are allowed to walk away for your mental health. You are allowed to admit you have no clue what you're doing with a child and get help. Emotional abuse is STILL abuse.

  57. Now (40)- Continue growing and moving forward. Keep doing the right thing, even if others don't like it. You are FINALLY on a good path, don't lose sight of that!

***Side note, that one hurt a bit***
  1. How do you want to be remembered in life?

  2. I want to be remembered as someone that grew throughout life. I want people to remember me as a good mother and wife. I want them to remember me as someone who helped and healed others.

Monday, January 10, 2022

Can You be Too Open?

 Sometimes I think that my third eye, though "blind," is wayyyy too open. My friend agrees. Ever since the last major download of information and inspiration, my senses go a mile a minute. She showed me ways to close my eye so I can rest more. I need more rest. I feel exhausted so often (thanks, chronic fatigue). It's so hard to convince myself to let it rest, because I am so excited about the blessings coming my way!

It has to be done, though. I hadn't slept well in days. The moment she helped me/showed me how I slept better. Last night was the best sleep I've had in weeks. So that's where I'm at. Though I got great sleep I'm still exhausted. However, I also know the most likely reason (nothing spiritual lol). 

I have committed myself to learning Tai Chi, which will be good for my body and soul. I am just doing 5 minutes a day right now. It's a small start, but I have to get it into my routine before I jump in to a longer program. Otherwise, I may give it up too soon. See? I know myself better than before lol

My daughter is back at school. Thank GOODNESS they made it to back on campus learning. We were worried for a while with the way Covid numbers look in our state. I am still at work. Yes, the job I know drains me even more. Yes, the job the Universe is SCREAMING at me to leave. I have to finish the year out. My daughter has to have insurance for school, and I need it for all my ailments. Sure, leaving would most likely rectify a few of them, but can you imagine someone dealing with so many health issues throwing caution to the wind and dropping all meds? That wouldn't be good for anyone around me, let alone myself.

I will post the second sign of Spiritual Awakening later. I left my Manifestation Journal at home, and don't want to skip around.

Be blessed, y'all

Friday, January 7, 2022

Signs of Shifting

 I found a list online of 20 signs you are shifting to a higher way of thinking/life. I thought I'd go through one each day or so and explain why I feel I am/am not dealing with the shift

Day one is Mission Calling

This one hits for me. I have been getting pulled to help people more and more. When I'm at work, I so desperately want an open conversation with some of the kids about what they're dealing with in life. I'm especially drawn to the LGBTQ+ community. I'm so passionate about making people see that validating a person's feelings, no matter how old they are, is so important. My daughter has known too many kids that left this life too soon because they weren't known/accepted as themselves by their family. I want to help kids see that they are valid. I want grown ups to respect what these kids are going through. I always tell adults I'd rather call a kid by their chosen name today and have them change their minds later in life and have a CHANCE to do so rather than dead-name them to death. It isn't fair to these kids that the place I work feels we shouldn't speak of such things because the kids are too young to make these choices/feel this way. Kids are realizing younger and younger who they really are and embracing it. We need to change with the times.

I also feel I'm here to speak out about the oneness of us all. I'm here to help people begin their healing and eye opening. Most people I'm around don't believe me or think I'm going nutty. I am changing. I am growing. I am opening and learning and embracing all that is being shown to me. I am learning not to keep it all in and to share with anyone that will listen, no matter what they think of me after. While hard on me to have to "mask" when at work, I know it's part of my learning and I embrace it all.

So does this first sign resonate with you? Have you felt a call to a mission to help the oneness rise?

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Just a Writing

Sometimes as I walk through life I feel so alone

Knowing I'm so surrounded by closed eyes

Yearning to have someone see what I see

Tap in to the oneness of life

Stop roaming so blindly 

See what is there

Allow my soul to love your soul because we are one


Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Soul Dance

Have you ever allowed your soul to dance?

My new favorite thing to do is to allow my soul to move in ways my body no longer can.

Here's what I do...

I put on spiritual music. I put in my earbuds. I sit as if I am going to meditate. I focus on who I am--a soul, loving awareness. I go inside my human self, until I am just that. And I let the music come with me. The music moves my soul so beautifully. My soul is weightless as I dance. My legs jump and skip like I haven't been able to do in years. I twirl and spin until I am dizzy, laughing the whole time. It is the most AMAZING feeling! My heart races. Though it is my soul moving, my body feels it. 

As I return, I feel like my body was the one moving. My heart is pumping. The smile is still there. And I feel so free in the moment.

Give it a try--go within and let your soul dance. What do you feel when you return? 

Monday, January 3, 2022


 Back to my "normal job" today. I am no longer the detention Para. I already miss it. I did miss my kids, though. And I will get to move around more. Always find the positives, right?

Anyway, today was my first challenge with the changes. It seems I was a bit of an overachiever in packing. I forgot to leave out worry stones for when I need them. I typically keep one in my pocket every day when I'm at work. However, when I packed my stones I was on break. So now, either I learn to live without them (which would be a lesson on my journey--not needing tools), I can convince my hubby to dig the box out of storage (he would NOT be inclined), or I can get another worry stone.

I will try to do without. My power is in me. I can calm myself, stone or no stone. I am in control of my feelings. 

At least, that is, until I go see my rock guy and fall in love with another stone (always happens).

Word of the Year

The English teacher I work with had a wonderful lesson to start off 2022 with--she had each student pick a "word of the year" for themselves. So, I thought I'd follow suit.

My word of the year is


There are many changes coming in 2022 for my family and me. Moving, graduation, empty nesting, end of a job, and so much more. Along with all of that, I hope to continue my growth spiritually, in my witch practice, and in my energy healing. It can be overwhelming if you look at it all at once. My goal is to flow through the year's challenges. I will grow and flow through 2022 :)

So here's my challenge to you--what would your word of 2022 be? Put the word out into the Universe, and allow the Universe to spread the word and bless your year!

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Manifesting for 2022

With the first new moon upon us (and a supermoon, at that), I have been considering things I'd like to manifest for the year 2022. 2021's manifestations were great and wonderful, so I am bringing that energy into these. Please remember, when manifesting, it is best to say them as if they are already happening:

I manifested a lot about my mental health last year. So much so that I think I didn't focus enough on my physical health. This year, I have the balance of focus between both my mental an physical health.

 I hear messages more clearly. I do not question signs given to me. Yet, I accept them, and give voice to those that should be heard.

I embrace all change (or lack thereof) with open arms and an open heart. Everything happens as it should.

Malas are selling so well! My energy healing is helping more and more people. I am able to help people on every part of their journey.

My creative writing flows through me! I have written more than enough for a book. My book is published and I am able to get my message out to more people.

These are just a few for me. What are you manifesting into your existence? 

Oh What a Ride

I haven't abandoned you, dear loves. Life has been in fast motion as of late for me. There's so much change, and I am just enjoying ...